Papersky #26 Morocco

Morocco Style

Morocco is a country where Africans, Berbers, Jews, Arabians and Europeans have all lived together for hundreds of years. It’s a culturally rich country with master craftsmen that can weave, carve and shape straw, clay, wood and stone into brilliant creations. It’s also a beautiful country with deserts, oceans, wonderful architecture and gardens and above all, it’s an inspirational country where the blossoming of a desert rose, sneeze of a camel and the pouring of a fresh pot of mint tea all inspire the sense and arouse fresh ideas and thoughts. We traveled together with Kurumi Arimoto and spent our days in the Sahara where we camped in an oasis and let our minds wander to some of the most amazing African Gnawa music. We compiled an original and extensive life and leisure guide with great maps which also takes a look at cafe, Tea, culinary and textile culture in Morocco plus we ventured out Essaouira, Nectarome amongst other key locations. We’ve got our guide on where to find a taste of Morocco in Tokyo as well as an interview with musicians Caravan. Also photographic spread by Taishi Hirokawa entitled “Timescapes,” reportage on Nepal, Tibet, India, Gifu, Nagano and the start of our illustrative series on the Japan Alps featuring Yoshida Hiroshi as well as a story by Salvador Plascencia (translated by Motoyuki Shibata) plus our regular columnists.

有元くるみさんと砂漠の王国、モロッコへ。 モロッコ王国についていったいどのくらい知っているだろう? アフリカ大陸の西の端にあるとか、スペインまでジブラルタル海峡を渡って船で1時間とか、 東のほうには砂漠もあるとか…。こんな基本的な地理すらもおぼろげな、ちょっぴり遠い国だったりする。