Papersky #13 Portugal

Wine Journey

For this wine journey through Portugal we took a three-part train journey to Porto, into the heart of Northern part of the country, then Regua for some new world dining in the ‘old world’ and then fit in a visit to the ancient wine estate of Quinta de Pacheca, and then our train stopped at Pinhao, a charming small town deep in wine country where we visited The Vintage House Hotela Lace Factory.  We also saw it fit to go ahead and comprise a guide to the finer wines of Portugal. “From A to B” goes from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas plus we included an interview with one of our favorite nomadic photographers Naoki Ishikawa, Kamikatsucho Tokushima along with Haruomi Hosono’s guest column, ‘Journeys on The Musical Saucer’ on electronic musical unit HAT and more.

ポルトガルワインの故郷へ。 17世紀にイギリスの商人が、「聖職者のポルト」と呼ばれる甘口のワインを初めて出荷したのはポルトだった。ドウロ川(ポルトガル語で「黄金の川」という意 味)の奥に浮かぶボートが、現在「ポートワイン」として知られるワインの最初の樽を内陸部から町の貯蔵庫まで運び、ここでボトル詰めにされたワインが世界中に送られた。