Papersky #16 Shimane

Time Trip

Paper Sky heads to Shimane, reputedly one of Japan’s most unknown, unchartered prefectures with stops at Kodai, Izumo to look at the deeply religious rituals still devoutly practiced today as well as involved artifacts such as Magatama. Stops to Matsue and Kindai, Fumaiko’s best for a closer look at the intricate and delicious sweets of the area (also known as wagashi), then we visited one of the nation’s oldest houses in Yakumo then we stopped over for an interview with Shimane architect Shin Takamatsu on the new contemporary and modern landscapes in a time-defying place such as Shimane. We also included a guide of where to find a taste of Shimane in Tokyo, a closer look and discussion on the work of Edward Burtynsky in addition to our ‘A to B’ in Mali from Tombouctou to Taoudenni. There’s also an interview with Yae plus another installation of Hosono’s ‘Journeys on a Musical Saucer’ with Roochoo Gumbo. Still, we fit in a ‘First Trip’ to Calcutta, India and we received reports from Porto, Portugal, Saitama, Japan, London, UK and The Greek Islands.

八雲立つ国、島根へ 時のなかを歩く旅。 ジャーナリスト、ラフカディオ・ハーンは「神々の国の首都」と呼び、日本人が気づかなかった日本の美を外国人の無垢な視点で見い出した。ハーンのような新 鮮な目で、私たちも島根を旅してみたい──出雲、松江、石見。いくつもの時代が重なる、時のなかを歩く旅へ。