Papersky #25 California

California Morning

Much of modern culture, whether it be music, literature, food, art or even sports has been greatly influenced by the Beats, Hippies and Surfers. What all these movements share are deeply embedded roots in the cities of Northern California. We headed to California with Takashi Kumagai to take a closer look at the style, culture and lifestyle Northern California where these movements were founded and continue to exist and inspire. Our trip starts with breakfast in San Francisco at Greens (safe to say this place is an originator of modern day ‘Organic Food’) then a stroll over to the Beatnik mecca, City Lights Books. Onward we went and for this issue we made the Morning Air Guide and the “Breakfast Guide” you always wanted, plus we threw in an interview with Ven. Alubomulle Sumanasara Nayaka Thera and an ‘A to B’ trip from New Delhi to Ranthamore in India. There are also maps of California from Napa Valley to Big Sur, visits to the Henry Miller Library, Rubicon Estate, Farmer’s Market Ferry Building, Indian Springs, the Santa Cruz Guitar Company (we have one here at KHMJ), reports on Fort Point and famed surf spot Mavericks (we went to the shop too) plus where to find a taste of California in Tokyo. We also made it out to Mount Tsurugi and Kurobe Gorge in Toyama Prefecture and we didn’t forget to include our original guests columnists (Ito Seiko, Takuo Aoyama, Moichi Kuwahara, Mitsuyo Kakuta).

熊谷隆志さんと行く、朝を楽しむカリフォルニアの旅。 カリフォルニアの魅力は朝にある。早起きをすれば、おいしい朝食の数々に驚けるだろうし、森の中で心地よい朝日を浴びられるだろうし、 点在するサーフィンの聖地へも足を運べる。ビートニクやヒッピーカルチャーなどのカウンターカルチャー発祥の地でもあるこの地のはじまりの朝を感じる旅へ。