TDN in Koka Shigaraki

  • Date:November 25th, 2023
  • Client:
  • Categories:Travel, Event

ものづくりの里「甲賀信楽」を Bike & Food で巡る「ツール・ド・ニッポン甲賀信楽」の旅。原風景が広がる丘陵地や広大な茶畑を抜けて、目指すはノスタルジックな窯元が立ち並ぶ信楽の町。途中、“甲賀流忍者” との出会いや、甲賀ならではの食を育む生産者のもとを訪ね、この土地に連綿と受け継がれるものづくりスピリットを肌で感じながら自転車で駆け抜けます。甲賀 信楽だから出会える人々や文化、おいしいものを求めて、サイクリングに出かけましょう。


Shiga prefecture will be the destination for the fall edition of Papersky’s Tour de Nippon. The two-day events will take you through the hills and vast tea plantations of the landscape to the nostalgic town of Shigaraki, lined with kiln studios. On the way, you will meet the “Koga-style ninja,” visit producers who nurture the unique food of Koga, and experience the spirit of craftsmanship that has been passed down from generation to generation in the region. Let’s go cycling in search of the people, culture, and delicious food that can be found only in Koka Shigaraki.